ICAC Researcher of the Year Award 2018 - Applications are Invited

Date Posted: 07 Feb, 2018

ICAC Researcher of the Year Award 2018 - Applications are Invited  

In 2009, the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) started an annual award “ICAC Cotton Researcher of the Year Award”. The award raises the importance of research to the cotton industry and provides international recognition for exceptional achievements. Researchers from universities and public sector research organisations can apply for the award directly or through their heads of institutions. Researchers from all disciplines of cotton production research, including ginning, fibre quality and textile research are eligible for the award. Only researchers from ICAC member countries are qualified to enter for the award. The list of ICAC members can be found at https://www.icac.org/about-International-Cotton-Advisory-Committee/member-governments

An independent Award Panel, consisting of five experts from at least four countries, representing the major disciplines in cotton, evaluates and decides the ICAC Cotton Researcher of the Year. The Award Panel is anonymous and known only to the Chairman of the Award Panel. The ICAC awards the researcher a shield, an honorarium of US$1,000, a certificate, and the title “ICAC Cotton Researcher of the Year” at the Plenary Meeting of the ICAC. This year’s plenary Meeting will be held in Cote d’Ivoire during 2-7th December 2018. The winner will be invited to make a special presentation at the Plenary Meeting on his/her contributions to cotton research and his/her vision for the future. If the winner is unable to attend the plenary meeting, the shield, honorarium and certificate will be mailed.

Selection Procedure

The application form titled ‘Nomination Package’ is available on the following link https://www.icac.org/tech/ICAC-Researcher-of-the-Year-Award. This is the only form that will be accepted. Please send your completed form with ‘ICAC RESEARCHER AWARD 2018 APPLICATION’ in the subject line to nominations2018@icac.org Your applications will go directly to the Award Panel. Previous applicants can re-apply afresh using the 2018 Nomination Package.  The last date for applications is 31st March 2018.

The Award Panel will judge nominees based on evidence of: awards/recognitions (National and International); publications (books, chapters, peer-reviewed papers, non-reviewed papers); citations; conferences presentations; major innovative and impactful achievements; and contributions to the cotton sector. The Chairman of the Awards Panel will notify the ICAC Secretariat of the winner.

The winner will be announced on 1st May 2018