For Immediate Release
Date Posted: 1 July 2020
Executive Summary
Highlights from the July 2020 Cotton This Month include:
Brazil Sees Huge Jump in Share of China’s Import Market but Most Countries Will See Ranging from 7% to 73%
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the cotton world upside down, but not everything has changed in the past six months. China and the United States, for example, have suffered from the virus like every other country recently — and continued to batter each other with tariffs, as well — but they will remain the world’s largest cotton importer and exporter, respectively.
Although Phase One of their trade agreement went into effect on 20 February, the cotton industry had already seen several changes as a result of the troubles:
In terms of prices, The Secretariat’s current projection for the year-end 2019/20 average of the A Index has been revised to 71 cents per pound this month. The price projection for the year-end 2020/21 average of the A Index is 58 cents per pound this month.
Cotton This Month is published at the beginning of the month with the Cotton Update published mid-month. The Cotton Update, which is included in the Cotton This Month subscription, is a mid-month report with updated information on supply/demand estimates and prices. The next Cotton Update will be released on 15 July 2020. The next Cotton This Month will be released on 3 August 2020.
PLEASE NOTE: During this time of crisis, nothing is more important than information you can trust — which is why the ICAC is making both Cotton This Month and Cotton Update free to all for May, June and July.
You can access the document here.
Please contact the author, Ms. Lihan Wei, with questions on this report.
About the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC)
Formed in 1939, the ICAC is an association of cotton producing, consuming and trading countries. It acts as a catalyst for change by helping member countries maintain a healthy world cotton economy; provides transparency to the world cotton market by serving as a clearinghouse for technical information on cotton production; and serves as a forum for discussing cotton issues of international significance. The ICAC does not have a role in setting market prices or in intervening in market mechanisms. For more information, please visit