Master List of World Cotton Day 2020 Events around the World


Digital Events

Not everyone can celebrate in person, but here are some 'decentralised' activities
that people and organisations around the world are holding digitally


1) The ICAC will release #TruthABoutCotton videos on World Cotton Day

  • The ICAC, one of the five organisations that launched World Cotton Day in 2019, has announced that it will relelase a series of videos on 7 October 2020. The subject of each video will be announced as we get closer to World Cotton Day. So far, the ICAC has confirmed it will debut videos that definitvely show:
    • The Aral Sea was destroyed by incredibly inefficient Soviet-era irrigation practices, not cotton cultivation
    • Cotton, as a xerophyte, requires 1,214 litres of water to produce a kg of fibre — not the absurd but commonly cited figure of 20,000 litres
    • More to be announced as we get closer to 7 October


2) Women in Cotton are challenging you! Win a FREE ticket to the ICA Trade Event and Dinner on 28 October!

  • In honour of World Cotton Day 2020, the Women in Cotton LinkedIn group will hold a photo challenge for men and women in the industry. Participants should:
    • Purchase an item of clothing or other product that is made from 100% cotton
    • Photograph your purchase, with you wearing the item or displaying in a fun way
    • Post your photos on social media between 1 and 7 Oct 2020 using the #WomeninCotton and #WCD2020 
    • Alternatively, send your photo to with your name and company name before 30 September and we will post it across our social media. There will a vote for the best photo emailed to us and the winner will receive a free ticket to the ICA’s Singapore 2021 trade event!


3) The Cotton Research Institute in Egypt has announced that it will debut two new projects to commemorate World Cotton Day

  • A Research Poster on Cotton Nano-Powder
    • This one-page document highlights the Institute's most recent innovation, a nano-powder that can be used in dozens of industrial applications
      • It emphasises that cotton is much more than fibre, and that there are many uses for cotton by-products that reduce waste and increase farmer income
  • A Video on the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF)
      • The initiative is between Egypt and Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali and the Central African Republic
      • The purpose is to help African nations develop cotton processing capabilities, which generates more revenue than exporting raw cotton


4) Cotton Australia has announced that it is holding a Photo Contest with a $100 prize

  • Cotton Australia is holding a Photo Contest open to all who live Down Under
    • The theme for the competition is: 'Australian Cotton: Paddock, People, Planet'
    • The Cotton Australia World Cotton Day Photo Competition will accept entries until 23 September.
    • The best photos will be shared on social media and collated into the printed 2021 CottonInfo calendar.
    • Winners will receive $100 gift card to the Bonds store, which stocks Australian cotton products that can be purchased online.
    • For rules and how to enter, click


5) The ICAC Secretariat has issued a cooking challenge

  • Cottonseed oil is used to make many of the foods we eat every day, including chips, cookies, crackers, margarine and salad dressing. Several members of the ICAC Secretariat will participate in a kitchen grudge match to see whose cottonseed oil recipe is the best. Due to the virus there can be no official taste test to determine which recipe is best, getting to eat the hot, fresh beignets, decadent cheescake or whatever you choose to make means everyone who cooks with cottonseed oil on 7 October will be a winner.


6) Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs has arranged a field visit

  • On World Cotton Day plans, Taiwan will do two of the most important things anyone in the cotton industry can do: attract new, young professionals and engage directly with the textile industry. Alex Liao, Director General of Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs, has arranged a meeting for 100 people, including 30 textile design students, to visit an organic cotton field. The visit's agenda includes an education on cotton's benefits, an explanation of the ICAC and its activities and the meaning of World Cotton Day. All participants will receive a cotton face masks with the World Cotton Day and ICAC logos.