ICAC Plenary Meeting will discuss threat of emerging pests

ICAC Plenary Meeting will discuss threat of emerging pests

Date Posted: 01 Sep, 2016
ICAC Plenary Meeting will discuss threat of emerging pests
Biotech cotton has brought many benefits to producers, but also new challenges for researchers and farmers. Bollworms that were a major threat to cotton production have been controlled but least use of insecticides to control bollworms has opened a window for minor pests to emerge as major threats. In most cases, these emerging pests may be easy to control, but their population is on the increase and requires the application of insecticides, which will increase production costs. Strategies for dealing with emerging pests will be the topic for the Technical Seminar that will take place during the 75th Plenary Meeting of the ICAC, which will be held in Islamabad, Pakistan, from October 30 to November 4, 2016.

The issue of emerging pests is limited to the 14 countries that have commercialized biotech cotton. However, these countries represented more than 75% of the area under cotton in the current season. Insecticide applications against sucking pests and emerging pests have increased after the introduction of biotech cotton. The ICAC has invited renowned experts from countries that are already implementing measures to contain the newly emerging pests. The experiences shared by these experts will certainly benefit not only those countries that already face these problems, but also those who may confront similar issues in the future